A Naturalist's Expedition to the Land of Lemurs
October 30 - November 13, 2018
Price coming soon!
The island of Madagascar is a truly amazing place. Abundant wildlife and spectacular scenery should place this destination at the top of any naturalist’s wish list! From lemurs and chameleons to baobabs and Mantella frogs, the array of unique and endemic species is seemingly endless. This expedition is designed to highlight some of the most unique and biodiverse regions of the island, while maximizing our time in the field. Most trips to Madagascar travel by car or bus, and the drives between parks can be exhausting 12-hour or longer journeys over extremely poor roads. We will be avoiding this issue by using private charter flights for all of our long transfers. This will allow us to cover a huge range of habitats in a relatively short amount of time, and experience a wide variety of what Madagascar has to offer!
This trip is limited to a maximum of 12 participants. Contact for more details and to reserve your spot!